Contemplative Photography Programs Being in Seeing

Seeing, in the finest broadest sense, means using your senses, your intellect and your emotions. It means looking beyond the labels of things and discovering the remarkable world around you. Freeman Patterson.
We know the mundane can be magical but often fail to capture the essence of the moment. To help you see the essence and create the essential, in this workshop we will adopt the mindset of a minimalist.
This field trip is open to all levels. You can leave your camera on Auto if you want to since we will be focusing on composition and creative seeing to simplify our images.
"I really believe there are things that nobody would see if I did not photograph them." Diane Arbus
During this field trip we are combining two topics in one special photo opportunity: Mindfulness and Macro Photography. Get ready to go slow, see deeply and experience a shift in how you perceive the beauty of life. We will really focus on creative composition skills which can then be applied to any type of photos you take in the future. This is also a great class if you have been wanting to go off Auto and learn to use aperture priority to have more creative control over you depth of field. (how much is in focus)
Meeting point for this program is the entrance to the Kelleher Rose Garden. 73 Park Dr. b/t Peterborough St. and Queensberry St Fenway Boston MA 02215-5250
3,000 roses are in full bloom at the Kelleher Rose Garden located right behind the Museum of Fine Arts. This secret garden is not to be missed. Every color, shape, and scent will inspire you to create dynamic compositions. I think of it as Natures Art Gallery.
About our destination: The Kelleher Rose Garden is one of the hidden gems of the Emerald Necklace string of public parks in Boston. If you have never been, this is your chance, and if you have been many times before, join us to see the familiar beauty in a fresh way. We will do many visual exercises to learn how to show these flowers in their best light.
The Flow-tography method helps you take your photos from like to love. You experience an immediate flash of recognition as your inner and outer life experience connect and you click the shutter. It all starts from an inner stance of stillness and results in an image that will be a joy forever.
You are invited to discover a playful path to mindfulness through photography. Flow-tography offers a way to see more deeply. Go beyond the obvious to the more subtle, intimate visual qualities of your life. It is not just about "getting the shot", it is about experiencing the moments of life that make us feel awake, alive and creative. All it requires is our full attention and slowing down to be still, from the inside out. You need to compose your self before you compose the shot.
Have you ever experienced a moment when time stood still, there was an intensity and clarity outside of ordinary experience? And in that moment did you see something that made you stop in your tracks, that took your breath away? And then were you amazed to realize it was just a blade of grass, or a leaf falling from a tree? You were in the zone, or what is know as the Flow State.