Do you see beauty in the world around you? Would you love to translate your experience of beauty into a photograph using any camera all the time?
Then the Flow-tography method we teach at the Curious Soul Photo School is for you. Perhaps you have tried piecemeal approaches to improving your photography following the breadcrumbs of information, taking classes, reading books or watching countless video tutorials on line. Always feeling that if you learn just one more thing, or buy one more lens, the elusive quality you want to capture in your photos will be there, but it never is.
The Flow-tography method is different. It integrates all the pieces into an intuitive learning experience that is for all of you. By all of you we mean your left brain, right brain, body and soul. The true you that feels the thrill of discovery when you pick up your camera and step out. How do we do this? We focus first on deepening your experience of beauty and second on improving your photography. To do this we will reveal to you the 8 universal patterns of beauty such as vitality or luminosity that exist in the world and in us. When we connect with one of these patterns of beauty, we feel more alive and present. And this aliveness is what makes the difference between a snapshot and a photograph.
You will be delighted to discover how quickly you can improve your photography by slowing down and focusing on simple ways of being, seeing and doing. It all comes down to this: If you handed the camera over to your soul, which photos would it take? It would take the juicy, delicious, images that can only be seen with an open heart. The mission of the Curious Soul Photo School is to help you discover how to bring more beauty to life through your photography. We don't want you to like your photos, we want you to love them. And when you do, you will share them with others who will love them too.

This intuitive approach to photography guides you to a place where your inner and outer experience of the beauty of life connect. And when they do, you will know it is time to click the shutter and create a photo that expresses the heart of that moment. How you see the world, what you notice, what brings you joy, are the secret keys to creating images that bring beauty to life. I am happy to share with you what I have discovered in the past 30 years as a photographer, Polaroid creativity expert and philosopher. My desire is to help you take better pictures and express the beauty of your own life. The inner skills of photography are rarely taught. But they are easy to learn and will help you take better pictures right from the start. Taking the Flow-tography path is fun, exciting, and full of discoveries about your self and your world.
Why I love Flow-tography and you will too….
Reflecting on these 12 statements can help you do a quick self assessment to see if this approach is right for you. Knowing where you are now and where you want to grow, will help you choose the right path and I am here to guide you.